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Patient Spotlight: Angelo Matz

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Angelo MatzAngelo Matz is a recent graduate of Delaware Valley High School. A few months before graduation, he was accepted as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point, an exceptional honor reserved for the nation’s most promising students. We talked to Angelo just days before he departed to ask about the tough application process and what he can expect in the years to come.

AFD: First of all, congratulations! So, what made you want to go to West Point?

AM: I always had an attraction to the military. I felt like the best way to get involved would be to go to school and come in as an officer. With West Point being so close, it was something I decided to look into. My grandfather was in the military and he always talked about how the academies were the best of the best, so this had to be the one I applied to.

AFD: What was the admissions process like?

AM: It was really thorough. It was a lot more stressful than any of the other application processes. It actually started at the beginning of my junior year, while other colleges started midway through my senior year. You have to apply for a nomination from a congressman before you can even be considered for admittance into West Point. So I had to apply to all the congressmen—and they had all different requirements and different essays—so I wrote about six essays and sent those in, got a call from Congressman Gibson to come in and do an interview. After I got my nomination, I had to wait even longer and do more essays and application stuff for West Point itself. So once I did that, I waited another few months and ended up getting my certificate of appointment about two or three months ago.

AFD: Wow. How did you feel when you found out you were accepted?

AM: I was actually at school, and my dad called me. He told me I got a football scholarship from another school, so I was excited about that. Then he said, “Normally I wouldn’t do this, but I opened your mail—and you got into West Point.” I couldn’t believe it; I was psyched.

AFD: What can you expect over the next few years?

AM: I’ve heard a few stories but no story is going to get you ready. It’s something you have to go and experience for yourself. I’ve just been working out a lot, trying to be in the best shape possible for basic training. But after I graduate, I have to do 5 years of mandatory service in the military—active duty—and then from there, I can decide if I want to go into the private sector or stay in for however long I need to or want to.

AFD: Tell us about being a patient at Aesthetic Family Dentistry.

AM: I’ve been a patient for about 3 years. All the people are really nice, like the ladies at the front desk. And Dr. Horn’s a cool guy; we talk about sports and whatnot, so that’s always nice.

Thanks, Angelo. Congratulations on this great achievement and we wish you the best of luck!

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