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How do Piercings Affect your Oral Health?

Girl with lip piercing

The dangers piercings can cause to your oral health and how to properly take care of them.

Piercings and body modifications, in general, are becoming increasingly popular as the years go by. Mouth piercings (whether they’re on the lip, tongue, or even cheek) are also on the rise. There is a certain degree of risk with any piercing, but it is especially important for you to know the risks of oral piercings and how to properly take care of them to avoid infections and maintain your oral health.

There are many risks and complications of oral piercings. You should do your research before heading out to get the lip ring you’ve always wanted. Infections, pain and swelling, injury to the gums, and endocarditis are all serious risks from mouth piercings. There are even more complications that could go wrong with an oral piercing: nerve damage, chemical burns from piercing cleaning products, and even blood-borne diseases like Hepatitis or tetanus are serious complications that can arise after you get an oral piercing.

Self-expression is valuable and important in today’s society though. More than anything, oral piercings pose a greater risk if you’re not taking care of your oral health. Here are a few safety tips you should follow to prevent injury or infections.

Before getting your oral piercing, you should double-check that the place you’re going to is safe and sterile. Getting a piercing from an unclean or unsterile environment will probably lead to issues regarding your oral health. After getting your oral piercings, you should clean the piercing site regularly and avoid playing with the jewelry as it causes stress to the piercing site and can lead to issues like swelling, or even chipped teeth. You should remove your piercings and lip jewelry when doing strenuous activities to prevent injury. You should also rinse your mouth after every meal to avoid bacteria build up around the piercings, which could lead to swelling and infection. If you have piercings, you should call your dentist right away if you experience pain or signs of infection. If the pain or injury is severe, the best option may be to remove the piercing completely.

While oral piercings can be dangerous and the American Dental Association does warn against them, if you have your heart set on it, make sure to be careful with your oral health and follow piercings safety procedures to keep your piercing safe and clean. Call our office if you’re experienced pain and/or swelling with your oral piercing. We offer same or next-day appointments.

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